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The Kitchn: Sardine snack packs a flavorful punch

By Christine Gallary on

Fact: Canned sardines are polarizing. You either love 'em or hate 'em. If you're in the "love 'em" camp, here's an easy snack (or even a light lunch!) that celebrates canned sardines and pairs them with tangy pickled onions, zesty Dijon mustard and nutty crispbreads.

I find canned sardines intensely fishy, so other strong flavors are needed to balance everything out. Quick-pickled onions are just the ticket: They're easy to make with pantry ingredients and have a nice, tart bite that mellows out the natural spiciness of the onion, and the leftovers are fabulous in a sandwich or salad.

As for the actual sardines, you can use whichever kind you like; oil-packed or water-packed will work just fine. Just use a fork to lift the fish out of the packing liquid. I dare say even canned tuna or salmon would be great in place of the sardines, but don't forget the smear of mustard on top of the cracker! It's what brings everything together.

Sardine Snacking Toasts

Makes 4 toasts


For the pickled onions:

1 small red onion (about 5 ounces)

1/2 cup rice vinegar, white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup water


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