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The Kitchn: Healthy, ancient grain is not just 'for the birds'

By Christine Gallary on

I have to confess that when I hear the word millet, my mind immediately jumps to birdseed. Turns out the birds may be onto something delicious -- a cereal grass that is gluten-free and rich with a good amount of protein.

The texture of millet reminds me a bit of a cross between quinoa and couscous, and you cook it much the same way as quinoa. By itself, it's quite bland, so that's where a good dose of fresh lemon zest and juice come in to perk things up.

But what to serve over the millet? I love beans, and butter beans have been on my radar recently. These big, creamy beans that look a bit like lima beans are satisfying and readily soak up sauce. I decided that I would go with a sauce that tastes a bit like hummus -- an easy mix of onion, garlic and tahini. Just simmer the butter beans and some sweet golden raisins briefly in the sauce, and finish everything with a ton of chopped parsley.

This warm, vegan comfort dish is just the ticket when you're tired of another cold grain salad or tabbouleh.

Butter Beans in Tahini Sauce over Lemony Millet


Serves 4

3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

1 cup millet

2 2/3 cups water, divided


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