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One for the Table: Savory pork with grilled fruit a peachy combination

By Susan Russo on

I have always associated peaches with July and August. That is until a few years ago when I discovered the most succulent peaches I ever tasted -- in September.

Peach season in California is long and abundant; it runs from May to October and peaks from July through September. In general, peaches are picked early to withstand shipping and to have a longer shelf life. The problem is when you take home many of these peaches, they are as hard as a rock (and taste like one too). That's why, when possible, buying locally grown peaches is a better option.

A couple of years ago at a local farmers' market I discovered Summerset peaches, which peak in September. Like a California sunset, these fruits are a dazzling blend of brilliant reds, warm oranges and golden yellows. In addition to being visually beautiful, they emit a delicate floral aroma and are amazingly juicy and succulent, as if warmed by the sun.

Of course, you don't need Summerset peaches to enjoy this recipe; there are plenty of late summer varieties from which to choose. And though peaches are delightful eaten out of hand or in desserts, they are surprisingly delicious in savory dishes. They pair brilliantly with arugula and prosciutto and are wonderful grilled and filled with savory cheeses and herbs.

My favorite way to enjoy them though is by sauteeing them on the stove with some tangy honey and woodsy rosemary. The sweet, acidic and earthy flavors blend harmoniously to make a remarkable companion to pork for an easy yet stylish weeknight dinner.


Skillet Boneless Pork Chops with Rosemary Peaches

Serves 4


4 boneless pork chops (about 4 to 6 ounces each)


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