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The Kitchn: How to make crispy, roasted chickpeas

By Emma Christensen on

Those cans of chickpeas sitting in your cupboard have been hiding an amazing secret. Roasted in the oven, chickpeas transform into a crispy, salty, savory snack. So tiny. So easy to eat by the handful. So addictive. This is dangerous knowledge.

If you haven't yet been introduced to this snack, please allow me to do the honors. Here is our step-by-step recipe for roasting chickpeas in the oven.

Tips for roasted chickpea success: Oven-roasted chickpeas are about as simple as it gets -- toss with olive oil and salt, roast, eat -- but there are a few key things to keep in mind.

First, dry the chickpeas as much as possible. I like to gently roll them between two clean dishtowels. Don't skimp on the olive oil. You can use less, but your chickpeas will be less crispy. Lastly, wait to toss the chickpeas with any spices or seasonings until you pull them out of the oven, otherwise the spices have a tendency to burn and become bitter.

Play around with spices: This is where you can have fun with the recipe. I love using spicy chili powder or curry powder. You could also toss the roasted chickpeas with fresh herbs, like rosemary or lemon zest (or rosemary and lemon zest!). It's hard to go wrong here.


Eat them hot: Unlike deep-fried chickpeas, oven-roasted chickpeas don't stay as crispy once they cool, so I recommend eating them while they're still warm from the oven for optimal crunchiness. This said, once they cool, the roasted chickpeas become intensely nutty and addictively chewy. It's a different kind of snack, but one that's equally worthy of your love and affection.

Roasted Chickpeas

Makes about 2 cups



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