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Environmental Nutrition: A is for Asparagus

By Kaley Todd, MS, RDN on

Environmental Nutrition

The folklore. A harbinger of spring, the name asparagus (asparagaceae) comes from an old Greek word meaning "stalk or shoot." The plant is a member of the lily family, which originated in the eastern Mediterranean where it still grows wild. Asparagus was used in traditional medicine to treat all manner of conditions, such as heart ailments, dropsy, toothaches, skin conditions, bee stings, fertility and even hangovers.

The facts. Asparagus was brought to America by early colonists, who referred to the vegetable as "sparrow grass." Today, California produces 60 percent of the commercial asparagus in the U.S.; New Jersey, Washington and Massachusetts also are major contributors. Asparagus, comprised of 93 percent water, is naturally low in calories and sodium. Yet the spears are potent in several nutrients, such as folate, fiber, iron and vitamins A, C, and K, as well as rutin, a flavonoid thought to contain anti-inflammatory properties, and the antioxidant glutathione.

The findings. Asparagus is notorious for its unusual side effect on urine odor, a result of the body metabolizing a sulfur-containing compound called asparagusic acid into a relative of the skunk spray essence called methanethiol.

According to recent findings, due to genetic differences, most people do indeed produce methanethiol after consuming asparagus. However, asparagus has its share of pleasant side effects, too. Research suggests that eating asparagus may help promote heart health, prevent kidney stones, reduce the risk of neural tube defects, act as a diuretic, and aid in diabetes. A 2006 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that an extract of asparagus helped control blood glucose levels, which may offer benefits in managing diabetes.

The finer points. Tenderness is the key element when selecting asparagus. Look for tight, compact buds and fresh, firm stalks that break with a crisp snap. Asparagus is extremely perishable, so use it quickly after purchase. To maintain its freshness, wrap the ends with damp paper towels before placing in the refrigerator. To prepare, snap off the woody end of each stalk at the point where it will break easily. These elegant spears are extremely versatile and can be blanched, roasted, grilled or sauteed. Asparagus is delicious prepared simply with fresh lemon juice or herbs, wrapped in prosciutto, or topped with a poached egg. You also can add pureed asparagus to soups or sauces, or mix cooked asparagus into casseroles or salads.


Creamy Tarragon Asparagus Soup

Makes 4 servings

2 teaspoon olive oil

1 medium onion, thinly sliced


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