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The Kitchn: Pull-Apart Cheese Bread gets the party started

By Emma Christensen on

This right here -- this cheese-stuffed loaf -- is how you guarantee that any party you throw will be a smashing success. Cheese and bread are already a first-rate combination, of course, but this particular delivery method is just brilliant. I dare anyone standing in the vicinity to resist pulling off cheesy bite after cheesy bite. Dinner can burn and the power can go out, and everyone will still be perfectly content.

Want to know how this party insurance can be yours? Of course you do. Here's how to make gooey, pull-apart cheese bread, one step at a time.

Choosing the loaf

Pick up an artisan loaf for this one, something with a nicely crunchy crust and some holes in the crumb. It should weigh between 12 and 16 ounces or so -- this is just to give you an idea of size; the recipe is flexible enough that the exact size and weight of the loaf isn't a major factor. Round loaves are impressive to carry out to the table, but longer football-shaped batards or even flatter loaves of ciabatta would be fine.

When you cut the loaf, make sure not to cut all the way through so that the individual pieces of bread are still attached at the bottom. Slice the loaf in one direction first, and then turn it 90-degrees and slice the other way. It can get tricky to hold the bread together when you make the second set of cuts; just do the best you can, and if any pieces fall out, just pop them back into place like puzzle pieces. There's enough cheese that none will be the wiser.


Choosing the cheese and mix-ins

You can use any favorite cheese or combination of cheeses here. Just make sure at least one of them is a gooey melting cheese, like mozzarella or Swiss. I like throwing in some brie or crumbles of blue cheese, too!

Cheese and bread can do just fine on their own, of course. But playing around with the add-ins make things extra fun. Minced chives and a few pinches of red pepper flakes are a good start. For a more substantial dish, add in some cooked bacon or sausage.

Appetizer or side dish?


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