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One for the Table: Caviar pie and a mother's love

By Irena Medavoy on

Caviar (see note)

1. Mash egg whites until fine. Mix in mayonnaise to hold it together.

2. Spread mixture evenly over the bottom of a 9-inch spring form pan.

3. In a separate bowl, mash egg yolks until a finely crumbled.

4. Sprinkle evenly over egg whites.

5. Spread chopped onion over eggs (optional).

6. Spread sour cream in even layer over everything.


7. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour.

8. Remove from fridge and then layer caviar over sour cream.

9. Carefully remove from spring form pan and serve.

Note: How much caviar, and what quality, you use is up to you. Four to 6 ounces is only a light layer, but it works beautifully. For a birthday or other notable occasion, a splurge of 8 ounces makes it extra special.

(Irena Medavoy, wife of producer Mike Medavoy ("Black Swan," "Shutter Island," "The 33") and mother of Nick Medavoy, a 6-foot8, 16-year-old basketball player, is a children's rights activist, writer and coconut oil proponent. One for the Table is Amy Ephron's online magazine that specializes in food, politics and love.




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