

Home & Leisure

THE KITCHN: Vegan Strawberry Orange Julius

By Coco Morante on

2 tablespoons ground flax seeds

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon orange extract (see note)

1/2 cup almond milk

1/2 cup orange juice

Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Blend for about 1 minute on high speed, stirring once during blending if necessary, until the beverage is creamy and frothy.



If you can't find orange extract (or don't want to buy it just for this recipe), you can also use a half-teaspoon of orange zest, grated with a fine microplane.

For an even richer, creamier smoothie (or a base for vegan creamsicle pops), substitute coconut cream for the almond milk.

(Coco Morante is a writer for, a nationally known blog for people who love food and home cooking. Submit any comments or questions to




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