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THE KITCHN: 5 reasons why your partner doesn't actually want to go to the farmers market with you

By Anjali Prasertong on

Spring is officially here, which means cooks across the country are looking forward to the opening of their local farmers market. What could be better than strolling through stands brimming with fresh fruits and vegetables, chatting with the farmer who grew the chard you're about to buy, your happy partner by your side? Right?

Um, yeah. About that. Now is also the perfect time to take a moment to ask yourself this question: Does my partner actually like going to the farmers market as much as I do? Because there's a good chance the answer is a resounding NO.

Perhaps you are lucky enough to have a partner who does in fact love the farmers market as much as you do -- maybe even more. Congratulations! Enjoy your blissful market trips together and I'll try not to feel resentful as I juggle two giant bags of produce and a carton of eggs alone. You can probably stop reading now. This list does not apply to you.

I am married to a wonderful man who made it clear early on in the relationship that farmers markets are his personal hell. The reasons were never totally clear -- something about "hipster dads with Baby Bjorns" and "hippies" and "too much fresh produce" -- but I respected them, mostly because it was way less annoying to just go by myself than deal with him being all grumpy about it.

But in the years since I stopped ever expecting him to join me at the market, I've noticed something interesting. When another couple hears about our farmers market truce, one of them will often ask me, either openly or on the sly, "How do I get my partner to stop making me come to the farmers market?" It seems there are a lot of unhappy shoppers out there. Do you go to the market every week with one? Are you sure?


I decided to do an informal poll of friends and family, to find out why farmers market haters feel the way they do, and help spread the word to their farmers-market-loving partners. Because no matter how much we might love looking at fruits and vegetables that haven't been shrink-wrapped and sterilized, or how excited we get about the new vendor selling fresh almond butter or lentils or organic onions, let's be honest: We're kind of weird.

So don't judge your partner too harshly. He or she has some pretty compelling reasons for not actually wanting to go to the farmers market.

5 Reasons Why Your Partner Doesn't Want to Go to the Farmers Market With You

1. Because the scene is terrible.


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