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Twilight Temptation Tomato Soup


Published in 5 Ingredients or Less

Delve into the richness of twilight with this Twilight Temptation Tomato Soup. The sweetness of ripe tomatoes blended into a smooth soup is as comforting and heartwarming as the settling dusk.

Ingredients 4 large ripe tomatoes 2 cups vegetable broth 2 cloves of garlic Salt and pepper to taste Fresh basil for garnishInstructions Cut the tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds.

In a pot, add the tomatoes, broth, and garlic and bring to a boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer until the tomatoes are very tender.

Use a blender to puree the soup until smooth, then season with salt and pepper.


Serve hot, garnished with fresh basil.

Twilight Temptation Tomato Soup is as warming and comforting as a twilight sky, the sweetness of ripe tomatoes offering a soothing end to your day. It's a simple yet nourishing dinner, perfect for when you crave something light, comforting, and utterly delicious.


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