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My Pet World: Helping an overweight cat when there are multiple cats in the house

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Most of all don’t get discouraged. Weight loss should be very gradual. Each little step you take will help Tiny regain his health.

Dear Cathy,

As the mom of a 15-year-old Schnoodle, I look forward to your column in Newsday each week. I was hoping that you could address a particular issue. Every day on Facebook, in the newspaper, and on posters, there are stories of heartbroken owners who have lost their pets.

I don’t understand how any owner who loves their pet does not always keep a collar with identifying information on it. My Henri (actually Henrietta) wears a collar with our phone number printed on it and a small tag attached to the collar with her name and our phone number. The collar is lightweight, and the tag is plastic, which never bothers her. She wears her collar 24/7 (except for baths and grooming), and it has never caused her a problem or irritation. She also has a microchip, but if someone did find her, it would be much easier for them to call our number from the tag.

Yet every day, there are dogs found lost and injured without any identification on them and stories of owners desperately looking for them. Putting a tag on one’s pet is such a simple thing to do, but so important. I can't understand how any loving pet owner would neglect to have identification on their dog at all times in case the unexpected does happen. It breaks my heart to see photos of these “beloved pets” sitting in shelters frightened and bewildered. Thanks for letting me vent.

— Donna, Massapequa, New York

Dear Donna,


Well said. A collar and a tag are the simplest things any pet owner can do to ensure their pet's safe return home. Since collars can sometimes wiggle off lost dogs and cats, microchipping one's pet is essential too. Giving an ID tag and/or a gift certificate for a microchip would make for a great gift for friends and family with pets this holiday season.




(Cathy M. Rosenthal is a longtime animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert who has more than 25 years in the animal welfare field. Send your pet questions, stories and tips to Please include your name, city, and state. You can follow her @cathymrosenthal.)

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