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My Pet World: Dry air, not altitude, makes fleas more sparse at high elevations

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: I live in the Sierra Mountains of California because there are no fleas. I wonder if this is a phenomenon nationwide. I haven't seen a flea or tick above 3,000 feet. Does altitude make that much difference? -- J.M., via cyberspace

A: "It's not as much about the altitude as it is about the dry air," says veterinary parasitologist Dr. Michael Dryden, distinguished professor in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan. "As far as I know, there's no magical altitude cut-off, where fleas don't live. Of course, the higher you go, the more sparse they become. While fleas that live on dogs aren't found where you live, there may be fleas on rodents that carry plague."

So, if you moved to the mountains to avoid all fleas, you might have to relocate at an even higher altitude.


Q: I've been told that flea eggs can exist for 10 years if they're not destroyed, which is why I've had my yard sprayed. Also, killing fleas on the pet is not sufficient, either. Instead of toxic treatments, however, my veterinarian suggests I use Head and Shoulders shampoo (on my pet)! -- E.S., Las Vegas, NV

A: First, I find it hard to believe that your veterinarian seriously suggested a human shampoo product to deter fleas on pets. And I'm not alone. Veterinary parasitologist Dr. Michael Dryden, distinguished professor in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, says, "I thought I'd heard them all, but that's even a new one for me. No, there are no properties to deter or kill fleas in Head and Shoulders."

Flea eggs can survive for up to 10 days tops.

"If they don't hatch in 10 days, they won't," Dryden says. The other life-stages are the larvae, which can survive for up to three weeks, and the pupae, which can subsist for about six months to a year. It is true that if you see fleas on your pet, there are many more adult live fleas in your house and/or yard, as well as in the various other life stages that go unseen.

Modern topical flea treatments and oral products are safe "and can be used for the lifetime of the pet," say Dryden. "See your veterinarian to learn what's best." If you veterinarian is sticking with Head and Shoulders, though, I'd consider another veterinarian.


Q: My 7-year-old cat was just diagnosed with early kidney disease, but has no symptoms. My veterinarian says there's a new test to show if kidney disease is present, yet says there's nothing I can do about it. That doesn't seem right. Any thoughts? -- D.L., Hartford, CT

A: Your veterinarian is certainly correct that there's no "magic pill" to treat kidney disease. This is likely what she's talking about:

A revolutionary new kidney function test (Symmetric dimethylarginine or, for short, SDMA) now included in routine IDEXX blood panels, allows veterinarians to diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) months or even years earlier than before, allowing veterinarians to intervene well before the kidneys are badly damaged.


"Diagnosing CKD earlier allows us to monitor these cats more carefully and if it's appropriate, we can begin to treat them," says Dr. Susan Little, president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and editor of "The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management" (Elsevier/Saunders Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 2011; $180).

Little, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, says there are various other benefits to early diagnosis. For example, high blood pressure is common among cat with CKD. As in people, hypertension is silent, but takes some effort to read in cats. Knowing a cat has CKD, vets may be more inclined to check the pet's blood pressure.

Dr. Kate Pietsch, of Dartmouth, MA, says there are some things you can do. Encourage your cat to drink more water. Offer more choices -- bowls to drink from, fresh water and even running water (consider a drinking fountain for cats). Also, talk to your veterinarian about a moist diet, which may support kidney function.

"Most important is to stay ahead of the disease as best you can," Pietsch says. "That means more frequent visits to the veterinarian, at least once every six months."


Q: My 8-year-old Shih Tzu has severe separation anxiety. He follows me around the house, and if he can't keep an eye on me at all times, he barks as if he's being tortured. He's also skittish. If I do so much as wave a hand, he jumps back and crouches. I don't know why he's this way, as he's never been spanked or mistreated. Can you help? -- T.K. Oakdale, MN

A: It's apparent that your dog has at least some generalized anxiety, says veterinary behaviorist Dr. Emily Levine, a contributing author to "Decoding Your Dog" (authored by members of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and edited by Dr. Debra Horwtiz, Dr. John Ciribassi, and myself, Houston Mifflin Harcourt, New York, NY, 2014, $27).

Just as you'd diagnose diabetes before starting insulin shots, the same is true for separation anxiety. A diagnosis much be done by a professional.

Does your pup truly have separation anxiety (distress when family members leave the house), or is he only anxious when not in the same room with you when you're home? It's possible to have one problem and not the other, or both. In any case, Dr. Levine, of Fairfield, NJ, says, "Your dog does need to learn better how to cope."

Of course, the question is how to do that. This depends on exactly what your dog's diagnosis turns out to be. Your best option is to consult a veterinary behaviorist (






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