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My Pet World: Cat's high-velocity purring both annoying and charming

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Meanwhile, Dr. Laurie Hells, of Bedford Hills, NY, who has a special interest in alternative pets, says adults iguanas just don't change for no reason. Kidney disease, in particular, may be the first potential problem to rule out. Other possibilities include improper calcium or phosphorus levels, or the fact that the heating where the iguana is kept isn't quite right.

"By the time we witness a change in behavior, there may be an underlying medical explanation that's been going on for months, or even a year or more," Hells says. "This is why a visit to a veterinarian who has experience treating iguanas is a very good idea."


Q: My dog, Frisco, is perpetually picking up yucky stuff on walks and eating it, like rabbit poop, bits of paper, whatever. I tell him "no" and "bad," but he's not getting the message. It seems like every other week he has digestive issues and loose poop. Medication calms his stomach, but I'm worried that one day he'll pick up something that will cause a much more serious problem. Any advice? -- A.M., Arlington Heights, IL

A: Beginning with the obvious, dog trainer Harrison Forbes, of Nashville, TN, says to do the best you can to walk Frisco in places where he won't find rabbit feces. Forbes is also afraid you may be off on the timing of your "no's" and "bad's," unintentionally reinforcing Frisco's habit of picking up things. To get the timing right, ask for hands-on help from a dog trainer or certified dog behavior consultant.


Another tip from Forbes: "Pick up the pace, giving your dog less of a chance to stop. However, many dogs don't need to really stop; they have a knack for picking up objects on the fly."

If Frisco is paying attention to you -- looking up at you -- it's less likely he'll see objects on the ground. A professional trainer or behavior consultant could show you how to teach your dog (using treats) to pay more attention to you than objects on the sidewalk.

In any case, what you're doing now is obviously not working. Dogs who eat anything they can grab may one day swallow an item which could cause a life-threatening obstruction. However, unless Frisco is making a meal of rabbit poo, this snack may not be the source of his tummy problems. Forbes wonders if the stomach issues exist independent of Frisco's walk-time snacking. Certainly, this is something to ask your veterinarian.






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