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My Pet World: Include some pet books on your beach reading list

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

As you lounge at the pool or beach this summer, be sure to use sun block and bring along a good book. Here are half a dozen reading options only a pet writer would suggest:

--"Purr Prints of the Heart: A Cat's Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond," by Deborah Barnes (ZZZP Publishing, Coral Springs, FL, 2015; $15.95). If you try to see things from our pets' perspective, their lives are anything but dull. They may see changes in the household as other pets pass away or join the family. They may move to a new house, meet a new baby, say goodbye to a favorite chair.

Change happens, but cats don't like change. How does it make them feel? In this book, we find out what at least one named Jazz presumably thinks.

Jazz is a Ragdoll, whose owner (Barnes) was motivated to adopt one based on an "Animal Planet" show on which I appeared. Yes, I'm taking credit for the book, which has much humor, but soft moments, too, about dealing with loss.

--"How to Speak Cat: A Guide to Decoding Your Cat," by Aline Alexander Newman and Dr. Gary Weitzman (National Geographic, Washington, D.C., 2015; $12.99).

This is a companion book to Newman and Weitzman's corresponding tome on dogs, but I suggest this superb, easy-to-read guide is more needed. Cat communication is often misunderstood, and this book serves as a sort of pocket translator. It's filled with vivid images which purrfectly represent descriptions of many behaviors; as they say, a picture is worth a 1,000 meows.

"How to Speak Cat" is aimed at kids age 10 and up, but even adult cat owners can benefit.

--"Animal Planet Dogs 101: Dog Training," by Teoti Anderson (TFH Publications, Neptune, NJ, 2014; $15.95). Anderson is past president of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and a leader in her profession, not to mention the author or contributing author of eight other books.

Anderson is firm about the best training method: positive reinforcement. She points out that punishment has many drawbacks, aside from the purely humane aspect.


"For example, you've come home to discover that your dog has chewed the couch," she writes. "You call him over to you so you can show him the couch and punish him for his inappropriate behavior. But what have you actually taught your dog? He doesn't understand that you're upset about the couch. Instead, you've taught him that coming to you results in a bad thing. Oops!"

Anderson covers lots of basic issues, including house training, teaching your dog all sorts of cues (such as to come to you), and how to handle common behavior problems.

--"The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training," by Teoti Anderson (i-5 Press, Irvine, CA, 2014; $19.95). Here's another book by Anderson, perhaps for more seasoned dog owners. She begins with the most important question: "Why train your dog?" Her explanations of the need for socialization, enhancing the human/animal bond, and dogs sharing our lives and homes are on target.

The book is sprinkled with sidebars with cool facts. For example: Dogs can wiggle their nostrils independently of one another. Who knew?

-- "Harlow and Sage (and Indiana): A True Story About Best Friends," created by Brittni Vega (G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, NY, 2014; $22.95). The book is written in the witty voice of a Weimaraner. It's a true story of canine friendship. (The millions of people with dogs who cuddle and play together, and clearly like one another, can surely relate.)

The dozens of images of a lanky Weimaraner hangin' with a squat Dachshund are more than cute, and the expressions on the dogs' faces are priceless.

--"Sebastian and Me: A Rite of Passage and Spiritual Journey," by Kay A. Clark (2012, $9.95). The author adopted a kitten named Sebastian at time in her life when she needed an unconditional pal the most. And Sebastian, just by being a cat, demonstrated what a difference a 4-legged friend can make. Hold on tight as Clark takes you on a joyous spiritual journey that will touch your heart, maybe even change your life.






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