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My Pet World: Benefits of wonder drug Rimadyl still outweigh the risks

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: One day, a cat came to my door, and from the first day he rubbed against me, we were inseparable. He eventually developed kidney stones and I had him put down in 1987. I just couldn't afford to pay the medical bill. I miss him so much and feel like I let him down big time. Is there any way to ask forgiveness? -- C.H., Highland Park, IL

A: I have no divine power to extend forgiveness, but I can say I fully understand your anguish. Clearly, you were a wonderful companion to this cat, as he was to you. You've written one of the most poignant emails in my 20 years of writing this column, describing the extent of the human/animal bond. What you're recounting happened 28 years ago, yet you still agonize about it.

Keep in mind that none of us can change the past, and after 28 years, none of us is the same person they once were. What you can do now? If you haven't already, you can adopt another cat (or even two!). Of course, your relationship might never equal the bond you had with your previous pet, but you could save a life, particularly that of a middle-aged or older cat.


Q: I'm curious if you've ever done a follow up to your series of columns, "Rimadyl: Friend or Foe?" I'm impressed by your journalism. Reading your columns has been informative. So, all these years later (the columns the reader refers were published in 2002), have the drug's benefits outweighed the risks? Our beloved dog, Hannah, was prescribed Rimadyl and became a statistic, as one pill caused sudden death. I believe veterinarians still hand out Rimadyl without indicating the possible side effects. I still carry the guilt that we did a terrible thing. What do you think? -- A.H., via cyberspace

A: Let me begin by offering my condolences for your loss, which understandably still disturbs you all these years later.


Rimadyl was the first non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) specifically created for dogs. Today, there are many similar drugs.

I recall writing about what was then a soon-to-be- released revolutionary drug that would help dogs with post-surgical or chronic pain, such as osteoarthritis. Veterinarians soon saw lines outside their doors of desperate clients eager to help their pets.

Because demand was overwhelming, and also because there had never been a drug like Rimadyl before, veterinarians were caught somewhat off guard. Often, individual dogs weren't first tested to insure they were good candidates for the drug. Veterinarians sometimes failed to warn owners about all possible side effects. Also, without previous real-life experience with these side effects, some weren't fully understood. All this, combined with the sheer number of dogs on Rimadyl, multiplied the problem.

Of course, if we only knew then what we know today, a good percentage of those adverse reactions might not have occurred.


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