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My Pet World: 'Pilling' a cat takes patience and purrsuation

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: Do you have any suggestions for giving my cat the anti-seizure meds she needs three times a day? I use Pill Pockets (flavored treats to hide pills inside) and sometimes she'll take them. I'm planning a trip in late summer and am very concerned about the pet sitter being able to give the meds. Is there anything cats can't resist that I might use to fool my cat into taking her pill? -- N.C., Margate, FL

A: "Over the years, many cat owners have told me it's impossible to get pills into their cats," says feline veterinarian Dr. Margie Scherk, of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. "They ask for liquid formulations because they think these will be easier (to give). Some ask for transdermal formulations, which are medications in a cream/ointment format that you rub on the inside of the ear. My favorites (for medical effectiveness) are pills or capsules."

Scherk explains that "using a liquid, some of the dose remains in the syringe or dropper, and a lot of times the liquid that is delivered dribbles out of the cat's mouth. So, some of the dose is on the furniture, on Fluffy's chin and on the owner. Not so great.

"Even though we can get many medications compounded with flavors that cats like, such as tuna, chicken, beef, or liver, these specially formulated liquids are often not stable for the full duration that the cat needs them," Scherk says. "The same goes for medicated chews. Unfortunately, there's no assurance of stability or quality in any compounded product. "

Scherk says many transdermal products haven't been tested. Of the approximately one dozen transdermals that have been evaluated, only three actually get into the blood stream at therapeutically effective doses.

The editor of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, Scherk says, "Traditional pills/capsules deliver a known dose. I like that. But there is a technique to getting them into a reluctant kitty. Trust me; I've pilled hundreds of cats! You're using Pill Pockets, and they are terrific in most cases." But Scherk also has another idea.

"If the pill doesn't have an outrageously obnoxious flavor and if kitty has a soft spot for a particular kind of canned 'junk' cat food, using an inexpensive pill crusher from the drug store, you can crush the pill into powder and mix it into a small, appetizer-size portion of the yummy food (your cat) doesn't get as her main diet. Or try anchovy paste, Cheese Whiz, salmon cream cheese, smooth peanut butter, plain yogurt; all depending on what kitty thinks is fabulous."

For cats for whom this doesn't work, you can certainly use a pilling device, or so-called "pilling gun," available online and at some pet stores. Remember to flush the pill down with a bit of water, tuna juice or clam juice. Even when pilling by hand, you need that liquid chaser so pills don't stick in your kitty's throat.

Be quick and confident delivering pills, which may take practice. And reward your kitty with a special treat afterward.

As for pet sitters, some are more experienced at pilling cats than others. Consider a test run. Invite the pet sitter over and see how he or she handles giving meds to your pet. Or hire Dr. Scherk for the job!


Q: I have three dogs and three cats, and they all get fleas. What am I doing wrong? -- D.C., Louisville, KY

A: Here's the million-dollar question: Are you using a flea preventive on all pets in the home or just the dogs? According to veterinary parasitologist Dr. Michael Dryden, of Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, "you also need to protect the cats, even if they're indoors only. People tend to protect their dogs, which is wonderful. Then, the fleas go to whomever they can bite, and they're happy to take their blood meal from the cats."


There are terrific feline flea products available for cats, Dryden says, including Advantage-Multi, Activyl for Cats, Revolution or Vectra for Cats. "All of these products have excellent residual speed of kill," he says, "which means less biting, and that equates with fewer allergy responses and less suffering, not to mention cutting off flea reproduction. In other words, these products work."

The problem might be your product of choice. Some flea products are not as effective as others. The choices available through veterinary channels are far superior to the best random choices at a big box store, or buying online without veterinary advice.


Q: My daughter's 5-month-old kitten goes from being an angel one minute to being the devil the next. The kitten follows her around all day, and is more attached to her than her husband. Every few days, though, the kitten pees on the carpet, my daughter's clothing, purse, or other belongings.

My daughter and her husband also have a female cat who isn't a problem. They have limited money are worried that if the kitten keeps peeing outside the litter box, they'll have to give him up to a shelter. The plan is to have him neutered. Will this will help to solve the problem? Do you have any other advice? -- S.H., Coplay, PA

A: Absolutely, your daughter should have the kitten neutered. New York City-based certified cat behavior consultant Beth Adelman notes that many communities have at least one clinic offering low cost spay/neuter (even free to those eligible). Meanwhile, your veterinarian can rule out any contributing medical explanation.

Use an enzymatic cleaning product (not one that merely masks odors) where the kitten has relieved himself on the carpet.

"The two cats may get along fine, as you suggest," says Adelman. "But with cats, relationships may be fluid and not always as positive as you think, especially if (you ever see) the older cat staring at the younger one or blocking access (to the litter box). In any case, having two or even three litter boxes is ideal. Locate one box where the boy is hanging out, and close to the places he has accidents, if possible. He's young and may be too intimidated to use the box when the older cat is nearby."

Your kitten may (or not) be a tad anxious. Either way, playing with him using an interactive toy for a few minutes a couple of times daily can be a great stress-buster.

Whatever is prompting your kitten to go outside the box, he's not doing it "on purpose." He's merely trying to cope.

If these tips don't solve the problem, contact your veterinarian or a certified cat behavior consultant.






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