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My Pet World: Noisy parrot may have been lovesick!

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: I recently gave my 18-year-old African Grey parrot to a bird sanctuary because he became restless and climbed and squawked a lot. In his huge new cage, he seems happier. I visit him every week, but I wonder if this is actually detrimental to helping him adjust to his new surroundings. I only want him to be happy. Any thoughts? -- N.L., Las Vegas, NV

A: "I don't believe there's any problem with you visiting the bird, unless he seems agitated or anxious during your visit, or the caretakers report he appears upset after you leave," says certified parrot behavior consultant Kashmir Csaky, of Lynchburg, VA. "In fact, the visits may be beneficial."

Clearly, you're still bonded with your feathered friend, and Csaky wonders why you relinquished the parrot in the first place. She says that if it was because of his restless and noisy behavior, what might have been happening was merely an adolescent male seeking a hot babe bird.

"We don't spay or neuter parrots," she notes. "And the guy was possibly being ruled by hormones."

It's possible that your parrot was otherwise happy in your home, and with help from a certified parrot consultant, you might have figured out exactly what was causing the commotion. Perhaps, your pet simple needed a richer environment. Expert advice could have helped -- and still might if you wanted to bring your bird back home.


Q: My 14-year-old cat was diagnosed with kidney failure, but my veterinarian never told me the stage of the disease. Any advice? -- D.P., via cyberspace

A: Some level of kidney disease is very common in older cats, and the stage is important.

"Treatment depends on the individual cat, as well as the stage," says Dr. Natalie Marks in Chicago. Blood work, urinalysis and an accurate blood pressure reading could help your veterinarian stage your cat's illness.

No matter the stage, more water is a good thing. You can encourage drinking by offering your cat water in several places around the house, and at various different levels (including one water bowl placed up high, for example). Some cats like running water, and there are many feline drinking fountains available. Canned food is preferred for cats, in part because it contains much more moisture than dry food.

Early diagnosis can allow you and your veterinarian to get ahead of the progression of the kidney disease, potentially slowing it down significantly. Talk to your veterinarian about the stage of the disease. A great resource for further information is the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS):

IRIS is led by an international board of 15 independent veterinarians with expertise in nephrology. Its mission is to help veterinary practitioners and pet owners better diagnose, understand and treat renal disease in cats and dogs. The group investigates ways to accurately diagnose early signs of chronic renal disease. One of IRIS's primary objectives is to establish an internationally recognized set of guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of renal disease in small animals. For more info, check



Q: My 8-year-old cat has been diagnosed with lymphoma, but the veterinarian is optimistic. My father died of lymphoma, so I'm quite skeptical. What are the odds my cat will survive? Please be honest. -- G.K., Hartford, CT

A: We can be honest, but not absolutely authoritative in a newspaper column.

"So much depends on your individual cat, and even more on the type of lymphoma it is," says feline veterinarian Dr. Susan Little, editor and co-author of "The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management" (Elsevier/Saunders Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 2011; $180).

"Small cell intestinal lymphoma is the most common in cats, and generally offers the best prognosis. With drugs, we can prolong life and maintain quality of life, often for some time, months or years. Lymphoma of the liver or kidneys doesn't offer anywhere near that optimistic of a prognosis, and may not even be treatable," she notes.

Little, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, adds that while there's no cure for lymphoma in cats, at least for those with small cell intestinal lymphoma there is some cause for optimism.


Q: Gabby, my 12-year-old German Shepherd, has been on Rimadyl for two months. She's developed lumps on different places on her body. Could this be a side-effect of the drug? -- A.S., via cyberspace

A: "Those lumps are unlikely to be an adverse response to any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (like Rimadyl)," says Dr. Daryl Millis, a board-certified veterinary surgeon and boarded in veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation, at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville. "In older dogs, lumps are common, and often benign, but might also be more serious, so do see your veterinarian," Millis, says.

As for adverse reactions to NSAID drugs in dogs, the most common among the rare side effects are diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Far more rare, but sometimes associated with Rimadyl, in particular, is liver disease. Kidney disease can also occur. As with any dog on medication, paying attention to any changes in behavior is always suggested, and so is periodic blood work.






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