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My Pet World: New drug shows promise to extend life for cats with 'dry" FIP

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: My friend's cat was recently diagnosed with FIP (feline infectious peritonitis). The Chinese (veterinarians) maintain this is a fatal disease. Can you help? -- L.L., China

A: The Chinese veterinarians are correct, although there is some good news on the FIP front: For the first time, there's hope for some kitties to live longer with an improved quality of life.

Dr. Susan Little, president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and a past president of the Winn Feline Foundation, says that while FIP can occur in cats at any age, it most often occurs in kittens, which is particularly heartbreaking.

"There are two forms of the disease," says Little, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. "For the wet form (also called effusive), there are unfortunately no treatment options. However, now, for the dry form (also called non-effusive), there's a drug called polyprenyl immunostimulant (PI)."

Funded by the Winn Feline Foundation, Dr. Al Legendre, professor of internal medicine and oncology at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville, has been studying the effectiveness of PI.

"So far, it seems, certain cats with dry FIP live longer (when given PI) and enjoy an improved quality of life," says Legendre. "However, it's not a cure."

For 10 years, the Winn Feline Foundation Bria Fund has raised money specifically to support researchers working to better understand this complex disease and ultimately to discover a viable treatment. Legendre's work has mostly been funded by the Winn Feline Foundation.

"Ten years ago, we never would have imagined that any drug might slow the progress of FIP in some cats," says Little. "With continued financial support, we hope to see more advances."

To answer your question, long-term prospects for any cat correctly diagnosed with FIP remain doubtful. Out of desperation, particularly since the disease is considered fatal and tends to target kittens, there are many homespun "cures" posted online. So far, only PI offers any viable promise, and even then only hope for cats with one form of the disease, and it appears that hope is finite.

Learn more about the Winn Feline Foundation and the Bria Fund at

Q: I know dogs shouldn't be fed onions, but what about a small amount of organic chicken or vegetable broth -- even if onion is an ingredient -- added to my dog's dry or wet food? Would that be considered safe since there are no actual pieces of onion in the broth? -- J.W., Las Vegas, NV

A: "The dose can make the poison," says Dr. Justine Lee, veterinary emergency care and critical care specialist in St. Paul, MN. "There's just not enough onion in broth to pose a danger for dogs or cats. Though, for most pets, and especially those with a heart condition, as well as any pet on seizure medication, low-salt broth is a better idea."

However, if you have any doubts about adding broth to your dog's food, consult your vet, Lee says.


Q: How do you train a cat to stop meowing? Four to five hours before his regular feeding time, my cat starts meowing. In fact, the longer I wait to feed him, the louder he meows. Once I put down the food, the meowing stops until 4-5 five hours before the next 'regular' meal. I'd like to clicker-train him to stop meowing. Is that possible? -- T.K., Rochester, MN

A: This problem appears to bea common malady called: cat trains owner. Cats meow to communicate with people, and it works. The louder and more often they meow, the faster we jump. Most cats learn this quickly.

"Cats seem to have a clock in their heads and/or stomachs and know when it's time to eat, and they tell us," says certified cat behavior consultant Marilyn Krieger, author of "Naughty No More: Change Unwanted Behaviors Through Positive Reinforcement" (Bow Tie Press, Irvine, CA, 2010; $12.95). "Some cats are more insistent than others. It could also be (your) cat isn't getting enough food and is very, very hungry."

One solution is to feed your cat regular meals, but also leave out food in treat balls and food puzzles, even hiding these toys so your cat can find them throughout the day. They'll keep him occupied and his tummy more filled. There are also feeders available that deliver food at set times (available at pet stores and online). If there's no need for your cat to bellow in protest, he may stop.

As an option, you can clicker-train you cat to meow less, says Krieger.

"First, so he understands the click sound is a good thing, offer a special treat and click, repeating this process over and over for several days. Then, when he's quiet, click and maybe say, 'quiet.' When he begins to meow, catch him between meows, click and offer a treat. As he chews on the treat, he's not meowing, so click and offer another, and say, 'quiet.'" You want to reward your cat for what you do like, rather than worry about what you don't like (loud meowing).

Q: Missy, our 3-year-old Shih Tzu, loves to play with our 3-year-old grandson. The problem is, Missy jumps on Joey and treats him like a male dog (if you know what I mean). I sternly say 'no,' but this keeps happening. How can I stop this behavior? --D.R.M., Buffalo, NY

A: It's terrific that dog and baby have become such good friends, says Marjie Alonso, a Boston, MA-based trainer and executive director of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. However, the dog is becoming overexcited when playing with your grandson. There's nothing sexual about this; it's just too much fun. And the smell of diapers may be contributing to the problem.

Give your dog a break before their activity gets too intense. Just remove her and offer her something else to do, such as gnaw on a chew toy or play with a ball.

As a reminder, never leave a toddler unsupervised with any dog, even if they're best buds.






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