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My Pet World: Recent books explore how dogs think

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: I've read your column for many years, and I'm wondering if you've written anything else, say a book, that might help me understand how my three dogs think? If so, where can I buy it? -- P.F., Winchester, KY

A: For starters, you've given me a reason to promote my two current books, both focused on how dogs think. I co-edited "Decoding Your Dog," authored by members of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and co-edited by Dr. Debra Horwitz and Dr. John Ciribassi (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014, $27). This marks the first time veterinary behaviorists have combined their efforts to explain dog behavior based on science, in the process dispelling myths. While a pack of scientific-types wrote the text, it's a fun and enlightening read.

In my ebook "Good Dog!" I answer dog behavior questions from readers. Along the way, you can't help but better understand how canines think. "Good Dog!" is published by Tribune Media Services. One version includes videos so you can see exactly what I'm referring to, for $6.99 (or half that price without the videos). Also contributing some content were dog trainer Victoria Stilwell of Animal Planet's "It's Me or the Dog"; Dr. Sheldon Rubin, renowned veterinarian; and legendary actress and pet lover Betty White.

If you'd like a shortcut to learning how dogs think, here goes: They think in the moment, and respond based on reinforcement, and do what they need to in order to feel safe. Dogs never have ulterior motives; their emotions are always honest and pure.


Q: When dogs are barking at one another, are they really 'saying' anything? I know they're not literally commenting on President Obama's performance or proclaiming, "I wish my owner would go away so I can play steal the pizza off the counter," but what might they be communicating? And how much do they understand each other? -- C.D. Las Vegas, NV

A: We do know that rather than discuss politics or connive to trick their owners, dogs express emotions. If a dog is in distress or extremely excited, other dogs can understand that their pal is upset, in pain, or "something fun is happening, so I better join in." Their vocalizations have meaning to other dogs, but equally as important, people understand them. After all, as social as dogs may be with one another, it's far more important that they are social with their owners.

At least one study has confirmed that people know what dogs are generally communicating (if they're in distress or happy, for example). In another study, people were able to identify their own individual dogs' barks.

Dogs offer a wide variety of vocalizations. Some meanings are more obvious than others, but generally dogs are adept at communicating with people. Even little children know to stay away when they hear a dog growl, and can understand that a dog's screaming means pain. Howling is a dog's way of expressing extreme sadness (such as when a person leaves the house) or pleasure ("I have chased the squirrel up the tree!"). In both cases, the dog is simply saying, "Here I am."

Some individual dogs mutter a wide variety of sounds, as if talking under their breath. Breeds with a greater tendency to do this include Siberian Huskies, Border Collies and Australian Shepherds. Dogs can do this to attract human attention, when they're anxious, or at times for reasons we don't understand.

Mostly, though, dogs talk to us non-verbally. And whether they vocalize or not, dogs are always communicating, even if we don't realize it.



Q: Can cats really become addicted to catnip? Mine certainly seem to be. -- B.H., Chicago, IL

A: Thus far, I've never heard of a cat visiting the Betty Ford Center to overcome catnip addiction. In fact, many cats offered catnip daily seem to build up a resistance to its effects. You're better off offering catnip every other day or irregularly.

Nepeta cataria, or catnip, is a perennial herb in the mint family. Catnip plants can grow to be three feet high. The chemical compound that attracts and affects cats is called nepetalactone. Researchers aren't sure of the neurological explanation, but it's thought that catnip mimics feline "happy" pheromones and stimulates receptors in the brain that respond to those pheromones. When eaten, however, catnip may have the opposite effect: The cat may become very mellow.

Over half of all adult cats respond to catnip by rolling, flopping around, rubbing, running amuck and/or meowing. A small percentage actually become aggressive, and should not be given catnip. Kittens and about a third to 40 percent of adult cats don't respond at all, for reasons unknown.

Catnip is legal in all states, including a new product, a one-ounce jar of Dr. Meowsky's Medicinal Medical Grade Catnip, from, home grown in the USA; $.9.95.


Q: I'm looking for a special dog feeder, and hoping you can help. I'm having our kitchen re-decorated and want a water dish that matches my decor. I did some Internet surfing but couldn't find a thing. Any tips? -- C.L., San Diego, CA

A: Mike Heene, of Des Plaines, IL, had a similar redecorating problem, so he created his own stylish dog feeders. Each individually made feeder features wide-rimmed, stainless steel bowls. The bowls, 32-ounce to 96-ounce, are embossed with paw prints and come in a variety of colors. The powder-coated finish protects against wear and tear.

There are many styles, including one in peach-colored Italian iridescent glass with mother of pearl glass paws and distressed white marble edging. In fact, several styles feature marble. Prices range from $150 to $500;






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