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My Pet World: Officials hope to have a protocol soon regarding pets and Ebola

By Steve Dale, Tribune Content Agency on

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Q: How do I stop my cat from eating artificial plants? I've tried spraying cat repellent, but he loves the smell. I've put pepper all around the plants, but the cat loves pepper. I've tried cat grass, assuming he'd prefer this alternative. Bad assumption. Can you help? -- S.D., Port Richey, FL

A: "For reasons we don't exactly understand, some cats just love plastic," says Dr. Brian Holub, of Hingham, MA. "There may even a genetic predisposition."

Holub, a board member of the non-profit Winn Feline Foundation (a funder of cat health studies) has found some success with a product called Yuk2e Anti-Lick Gel for Dogs as a good deterrent, even for cats. It's available at some pet stores and online. Holub notes that most cats also don't like citrusy things, so wiping real lemon juice on the plastic plants many serve as a deterrent.

Using another tactic, offer more appropriate items for your cat to chew on. Some cats just like to chew. Acceptable options range from large kibble prescription veterinary dental diets for dogs (which many cats also like) to fishy-tasting C.E.T. chews (also from veterinarians and online).

Add enrichment activities for your cat to focus on when you're not home. First, teach your pet how to roll around food puzzle toys (available wherever pet products are sold) so kibble or treats fall out. Then start hiding the toys when you leave the house so your cat can spend his time "hunting," and not chewing.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners offers a free brochure on enriching household environments for cats, "Your Cat's Environmental Needs: Practical Tips for Pet Owners," at (scroll to the bottom of the page to access the brochure).

Of course, another option is to hide those phony plants, at least for a time, and see if your cat "forgets" he once loved them. It's not likely your cat will be similarly drawn to live plants, but just in case, keep them out of reach; some houseplants are hazardous to pets.



Q: We adopted a mixed-breed puppy who just doesn't like being in a crate. I don't like our him being in a cage, either. Don't you agree? -- A.A., Des Moines, IA

A: Frankly, I think it's cruel to allow a puppy, who doesn't know any better, to roam the house freely and potentially eat something that will make him sick, or make you sick by chewing on an expensive heirloom. Aside from training your pup, you need to be "trained," or at least agree that a crate is a good idea when your dog is home alone. Also keep in mind that your dog may pick up on your anxiety about crating him.

Crates serve two purposes for pups: to keep them out of trouble and to fast-forward house training.

Feed your dog from the crate, and periodically drop treats into the crate. Before you begin leaving him alone in the crate, just leave the room where your pooch is crated. If the dog barks, demanding your return, don't comply. Wait until your pet is quiet and calm before removing him from the crate. It's best to begin training when your dog is tried.

Ask your veterinarian about a calming pheromone product (Adaptil) and L-Theanine (Anxitane), both of which may lessen anxiety. Also, consider using a Thundershirt.

You can learn much more in my ebook, "Good Dog!" (published by Tribune Media Services, Chicago, IL, 2011; $2.99), which includes an entire chapter on the topic.






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