Life Advice



Bridesmaid would love to be The Enforcer

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: My good college friend “Clara” is getting married next month.

Clara has several bridesmaids. We are all quite close.

“Sara,” another bridesmaid, has an older sister “Anne” and a younger brother, “Brett.”

In our college days, Clara, Sara, and I would socialize occasionally with Anne. We consider her a friend.

Brett was the little brother. We consider him an acquaintance.

Anne was invited to the wedding with a plus one, but RSVP’d "no," as she is unable to attend.


In the meantime, Brett made comments expressing his desire to attend the wedding.

To be clear, Brett was NOT ever invited.

Now, Brett has apparently helped himself to his older sister Anne’s declined invite, accessed the wedding site, and RSVPed "yes" for him and a plus one!

I am shocked on behalf of Clara, who has been meticulously planning this wedding for two years! She is sweet, kind, and non-confrontational. And now she faces this insanely awkward dilemma.


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