


VIDEO: Dog wins third mayoral term in Minnesota


Published in Weird News

CORMORANT, Minn. (UPI) -- Duke easily won his third term as mayor of the town of Cormorant, Minn. over the weekend, locals said.

Duke, a nine-year-old Great Pyrenees, has one of the highest approval rates in the country as he ended his second term as mayor, locals said.

"I don't know who would run against him because he's done such great things for the community," Cormorant resident Karen Nelson told Detroit Lakes Online.

Duke's owner, David Rick said Duke's first election was "by accident, it was a write in vote. You pay a dollar and you can vote."

ABC News reported back in 2014, Duke beat Richard Sherbrook, the owner of a local store.


This election was a cinch. "Everybody voted for Duke, except for one vote for his girlfriend, Lassie," Rick said.

Duke keeps busy as a farm dog when he's not fulfilling his mayoral duties.

The mayor wasn't available for an interview after his victory, Detroit Lakes Online reported, but his staff said he's more than ready for a third term.

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