


Small dogs claim victory over cobra on owner's property


Published in Weird News

DHARAMPURI, India (UPI) -- A trio of small but feisty dogs were recorded taking on a cobra they found near the entrance of their owner's house in India and coming out victorious.

The video, recorded Thursday, shows the canines facing off with the cobra, which appeared poised to strike, just outside of their owner's home in the Dharampuri region.

The dogs face the snake and bark at it for several seconds before one of the canines, named Julie, grabs the serpent by its tail and begins to violently shake it.

The snake escape's Julie's grasp and again appears ready to strike before the dog grabs it a second time and resumes shaking.


The dog runs while shaking the snake violently back and forth, occasionally moving its grip higher up on the cobra's body.

None of the dogs appear to have been bitten during the fight.

Julie's owners said the snake, which did not survive the confrontation, was the seventh killed by the canine in recent years.

Copyright 2016 by United Press International


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