


Florida brewery creates six-pack rings that animals can eat


Published in Weird News

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. (UPI) -- A Florida brewery is aiming to do its part to protect sea creatures with specially designed six-pack rings created from edible materials.

Saltwater Brewery announced it teamed with advertising firm We Believers to create rings that would hold six-packs of beer together without threatening wildlife when the items are thrown away.

The brewery said the rings are made from byproducts of the brewing process and are completely biodegradable.


"Most plastic beer six‐pack rings end up in our oceans and pose a serious threat to wildlife," the brewery said in a Facebook post. Together with We Believers, we ideated, designed, tested and prototyped the first ever Edible Six Pack Rings. A six‐pack packaging, made with byproducts of the beer-making process, that instead of killing animals, feeds them. They are also 100% biodegradable and compostable. We hope the big guys follow.

Copyright 2016 by United Press International


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