


Nude woman jumps into street fight and allegedly stabs 3


Published in Weird News

MCKEES ROCKS, Pa. (UPI) -- Love hurts...

A love triangle was believed to be the cause of a street fight in McKees Rocks that involved a naked woman and several other alleged combatants.

It's not clear how the naked woman was involved, but at least five people from two separate area buildings were involved in a "mutual combative" situation, Allegheny County Housing Authority Police Chief Mike Vogel told the Tribune-Review.

The nude woman entered the fray and then allegedly "stabbed or slashed three of the combatants before fleeing."

McKees Rocks brawl involved 5 women...1 of them topless...fighting over a guy. 2 women stabbed...1 had 7 stab wounds to her back & neck.— Courtney Brennan (@WPXI_Courtney) July 29, 2014


The victims were treated for lacerations and puncture wounds.

Picture: Naked McKees Rocks woman allegedly stabs 2 people during a fight. Police still looking for said naked lady. pic.twitter.com/5FxOFTuJzX— Courtney Brennan (@WPXI_Courtney) July 29, 2014

All five of the known combatants are looking at charges and it's possible that they will be evicted.

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