From the Right



Make America Better Again

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When we got back home we learned that the wokesters who run Twitter were suspending the conservative Babylon Bee satire site.


For the politically incorrect crime of deliberately “misgendering” U.S. Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine by awarding her the Bee’s title of “Man of the Year.”

And this last week I’ve had to watch a supposedly brilliant and super qualified nominee for the United States Supreme Court tell a U.S. Senator that she couldn’t define what a woman was because she is “not a biologist.”

Was I allowed to laugh at that absurd answer? I hope so, because I didn’t check first with the Washington Post editorial board.

But seriously, there’s nothing funny about what’s been happening to the country since the Biden-Harris-Pelosi gang has been in charge.


We’ve always had incompetent or ideologically misguided Democrats in Washington who royally screw up the country at home and abroad.

But the current regime has managed in just 14 months to wreck our energy sector, whip up the inflation rate to nearly 8 percent, spike the crime rate in cities and turn America into an international weakling that can’t be trusted or respected.

On top of these ongoing Democrat fiascos, look at what’s become of our society.

People can hardly talk to each other or eat meals with each other anymore without arguing about politics. You have to sit with people you agree with 100 percent or they cancel you for lunch.


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Bill Bramhall Mike Beckom David Fitzsimmons John Deering David Horsey Dana Summers