


Today's Word "concinnity"

Internal harmony in the adaptation of parts to a whole on

Published in Vocabulary

concinnity \kuhn-SIN-uh-tee\ (noun) - 1 : Internal harmony or fitness in the adaptation of parts to a whole or to each other. 2 : Studied elegance of design or arrangement -- used chiefly of literary style. 3 : An instance of concinnity.

"His theme, culled from a Latin hymn, is, ' Take away the perfidious people from the territory of the Faithful,' which in English sounds stilted and cumbersome, lacking the concinnity of the Latin." -- Paul West, 'A Fifth of November'


Concinnity comes from Latin concinnitas, "elegance; harmony of style," from concinnus, "well put together; pleasing, on account of harmony and proportion."


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