


Notable Birthdays for January 19


Published in History & Quotes

Those born on this date include:

- Scottish engineer James Watt, inventor of the steam engine, in 1736
- Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in 1807
- American short story writer and poet Edgar Allan Poe in 1809
- English metallurgist Henry Bessemer in 1813
- French post-Impressionist painter Paul Cezanne in 1839
- Billiards player Rudolf Minnesota Fats Wanderone, in 1913
- Ebony magazine founder John H. Johnson in 1918
- Former U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar in 1920 (age 94)
- Actors Jean Stapleton in 1923, Fritz Weaver in 1926 (age 88) and Tippi Hedren in 1930 (age 84)
- Television newscaster Robert MacNeil in 1931 (age 83)
- Singer Phil Everly of the Everly Brothers in 1939 (age 75)
- British stage singer and actor Michael Crawford in 1942 (age 72)
- Singers Janis Joplin in 1943 and Dolly Parton in 1946 (age 68)
- Actors Shelley Fabares in 1944 (age 70) and Katey Sagal in 1954 (age 60)
- Chef Paula Deen and journalist Ann Compton, both in 1947 (age 67)
- Singer/actor Desi Arnaz Jr. in 1953 (age 61)
- And comedian Frank Caliendo in 1974 (age 40).


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