From the Left



Bill Clinton's Damaging Self-Defense

Ruth Marcus on

WASHINGTON -- Oh, Bill. There you go again. We knew you were going to pop off, but did it have to be so soon -- and so tone-deaf?

The Clinton deal is "two for the price of one," as Bill Clinton famously promised in 1992. But 23 years later, that bargain comes with different baggage attached.

Then it was the intimations of Hillary Clinton as co-president, Machiavelli in a pantsuit. Now -- and let us pause to appreciate the role reversal and the country's journey on issues of gender -- it is the awkward reality of running not only while married to an ex-president, but as a name partner in the sprawling entity of Clinton Inc.

Into this treacherous swamp strolls Bill Clinton, on an annual Clinton Foundation trip to Africa. His interview with NBC's Cynthia McFadden was vintage Clinton, with its air of injured dismissiveness about concerns over his assiduous fundraising and lucrative speechifying.

Will you continue to give speeches, McFadden asked? "Oh yeah," Clinton responded, as if the notion of calling a halt during his wife's presidential campaign were absurd. "I gotta pay our bills."

Oh. My. God.


As if the first $500,000 speech, or the 11th, were not enough. As if the former president had not raked in more than $100 million on the speaking circuit since leaving office. As if stopping would leave the Clintons huddled around the kitchen table, worrying over which bills to pay. Baby needs a new pair of Louboutins.

More self-justifying on the speaking fees:

-- Clinton takes 10 percent off the top of his income every year to give to his foundation. OK, that's admirable, but does it really explain the compulsive vacuuming of six-figure checks?

-- "It's the most independence I can get. If I had a business relationship with somebody, they would have a target on their back from the day they did business with me until the end." Translation: Trust me, it could be a lot sleazier.


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