From the Left



Republicans Turn Themselves into the Open Borders Party

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

Donald Trump has called on Republicans to kill a bipartisan deal that would give the president emergency powers to shut down the border when illegal crossings get out of hand. He's thus helped President Joe Biden turn one of his political liabilities into a strength.

"If given that authority," Biden said without hesitation, "I would use it ...Read more

US Oil and Clean Energy Both Boom Under Biden

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

Donald Trump recently warned that Joe Biden would lead us into World War II, a conflict that ended almost 80 years ago. Another world event he may not be current on is America's boom in oil production -- never mind the green energy revolution.

"We are going to drill, baby, drill," Trump said on a recent Fox News town hall.

Actually, America ...Read more



Mike Luckovich Phil Hands RJ Matson Mike Beckom Scott Stantis Dana Summers