From the Left



Now it's Democrats Who Need an 'Autopsy'

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

Want to get attention in the Big Apple? Try carrying a big Donald Trump campaign sign through Times Square.

A network news producer and friend of mine happened to do just that on her way home from the Republican president-elect's victory speech.

The people whom she passed on the street didn't know that she was bringing the sign to give to a friend who collects campaign memorabilia. All they saw was a young African-American woman carrying a Trump sign on the night when many were experiencing the political shock of their lifetime: the unexpected defeat of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton after weeks of leading the polls.

With that in mind, my friend's good deed sounded about as risky as Bruce Willis' character in "Die Hard with a Vengeance," forced by a terrorist to walk around a Harlem street wearing a sandwich board that says "I Hate (plural of the N-word)."

Fortunately, my friend received nothing more damaging than angry glares and one woman who angrily shouted something anti-Trump.

More surprising, she said, were the smiles and thumbs-up gestures she received from black people, including a taxi driver, some Amtrak baggage handlers and a hotel doorman "who could have been Hispanic."


In short, she said, "I received scorn from white-collar professionals but support from working-class blacks and Hispanics."

Ah, congratulations, I told her, you have found some of Trump's "hidden voters."

For months, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has been claiming a "big hidden Trump vote in this country."

Right, I thought, and he's going to win the unicorn vote, too, right?


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