


Cannabis To Calm An Upset Tummy

Health / Cannabis Daily /

It can throw you off and spoil a perfectly good day – can marijuana help calm an upset stomach? From nausea to a rumbling tummy, nothing can spoil the day more. And an upset stomach when you are out and about it the worst. There are are ton of things which can cause your stomach to be upset, so moving it to a better place can be a bit tricky....Read more

What Is The Dosage For A Marijuana Light Chill

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Sometimes you just need a little push to relax, but don’t want to go farther…how much should you take for a little chill to take the edge off. Friday are the second most favorite day of the week, only behind Saturday. Mondays are the worst with the focus on heading back the 5 day grind. But sometimes the pressure or mindset of work is hard ...Read more

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Saliva

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Drug testing, while declining, is still a thing…how long does it stay in your system and in saliva? General drug testing for job which don’t require you be hyper focused (airline pilots as an example) are on the decline. But some companies still insist on them and some nanny states are not pushing for a more modern approach. Random tests ...Read more

Can You Consume Marijuana On Ozempic

Health / Cannabis Daily /

It is all the rage to lose weight and is causing a stir for several reason.  But can you have a a bit of a vape and chill while on it? The latest weight loss trend has been the use of Ozempic. A Gallup poll suggested over 6% of adults in the US and Canada have tried it. So over 16+ million have given it a go. Amy Schumer, Kelly Clarkson, ...Read more

Classic Marijuana Infused Peanut Butter Fudge

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Delicious and enjoyable all year round this classic sweet will be a hit summer gatherings or a night in!   Fudge has been been popular for over 100 years popping up at family gatherings, outdoor cookouts and college care packages. Its inexpensive, unrefined qualities made it popular and easy to make. Specialized fudge shops began opening in ...Read more

Marijuana Might Help The Liver After Bing Drinking

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Alcohol is almost as old as man – but it isn’t the healthiest…and bing drinking can be dangerous –  but it seems marijuana can help.

Wine, tequila, espresso martinis, craft beer and more are all part of a night out. History has evidence of alcohol from 7,000 BCE in China. And while cannabis is just as old, it didn’t take off as ...Read more

Important Steps If Your Dog Has Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Summer is fun, but can be a bit hectic…and one look away and a dog can eat anything – don’t panic, but here are the steps if he gobbles some weed. Family vacations, car trips, camping, outdoor bbqs…summer is filled with all sorts of great activities. For the 44+% of households who have a dog, it can be a bit of a challenge. Dog are ...Read more

Will Merrick Garland Help Or Hinder Marijuana Rescheduling

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Attorney General Merrick Garland upended the residential real estate industry, so what will he do to the budding cannabis market. In the last election, then candidate Biden promised to help the cannabis industry.  It took a while and only as he runs for reelection has the administration made any significant progress.  Just late month, the ...Read more

Key Information For The 60+ About Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

It is a big summer for the cannabis industry – will Boomers join Gen Z in embracing marijuana? It is the summer of cannabis with the potential for rescheduling.  Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) has recognized marijuana has medical benefits and is not a dangerous drug. The American Medical ...Read more

Legal Marijuana Expands As Hard Crime Drops

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The claim crime will increase when you legalize weed was a major talking point, but it seems it doesn’t have the data to back itOver 50% of the country has access to legal marijuana now. Ohio and Delaware will start selling from state licensed dispensaries this year.  Even Florida, the largest nanny state, is voting for full recreational ...Read more

Did You Know Cannabis Was Related To This Popular Drink

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Cannabis is popular, but not nearly as popular as its cousin, which is a global powerhouse.Cannabis has been around for thousands of years, but its similarly aged cousin is still more popular on a global level. You might think Coco-Cola was popular when it had a more active coca component, but it is not the OG version of fun. Cannabis is ...Read more

A Guide For First Time Marijuana Users

Health / Cannabis Daily /

As more states approve legalization – more people are interested in trying it. But what do you REALLY need to know. While it has been used for over a thousands years, cannabis for the canna newbie or canna curious can be confusing. Delaware and Ohio are the latest states to pass laws to allow marijuana. Now over 50% of US population has ...Read more

Can Cannabis Cool Your Heat Dome Misery

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Records are breaking as the early summer heat soars….but can marijuana help you chill you out?

It is HOT outside, and we are talking record breaking, miserable, change shirts several times a day hot. Those who are suffering the most are the Desert Southwest, California’s Central Valley, and western and southern Texas. Some of the new ...Read more

Things Are Heating Up For Cannabis This Summer

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Temperatures aren’t the only thing warming up this summer – the cannabis market is heating up with potential changes.It is the time of year for high temperatures, travel, grilling, and more. And as a bonus this year, things are heating up for cannabis this summer.  The industry is holding its breath as the current administration lumbers ...Read more

This Tropical Syrup Will Give Relief From Summer Colds

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Summer colds are the worst – but this pineapple cough syrup can help save the summer! Summer cold symptoms are common and miserable. We are used to summer being a fun time and enjoying outdoor activities. But coughs, small fevers and general misery can spoil the best laid plans. Luckily, this tropical syrup with give relief form summer colds�...Read more

Weed In The White House

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The President’s home is known as the White House – but occasionally there has been a bit of green there. It is pretty clear the US presidents are not big public champions of marijuana use. And while the Biden/Harris administration has clearly made it known they are not a fan, what about recent past presidents and their families? Who has had...Read more

Key Tips On Bouldering And Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Bouldering and rock climbing have exploded – can cannabis help with this hot activity? Even 5 years ago, rock climbing and bouldering were niche activities for those with a passion. But since it has become a fun, core strengthening, urban activity and is now a multi-billion dollar industry.  Cities, towns and cruise ships now have climbing ...Read more

Wedding Couples Should Know About This Aphrodisiac

Health / Cannabis Daily /

It is summer wedding season – complete with stress, family and things which just go wrong….wedding couples should know about this key aphrodisiac Weddings come in all shapes and sizes. Couples are diverse – young, old, same sex, different sex, Star Trek fans and more.  Even Rupert Murdoch has gotten remarried for the 5th time.  Science,...Read more

4 Ways Marijuana Can Help In A Messy Break Up

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Breakups are tough and miserable – even if you are a celebrity.  But there are ways marijuana can help!The buzz in the celebrity world is about the breakup of Beniffer – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. It has dominated the news, but it reflects everyone’s journey in relationships.  Almost everyone suffers a miserable breakup in their ...Read more

Medical Marijuana Is About To Have A Big Positive Change

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The government and medical agencies have verified it has medical benefits…but marijuana is about to have a big positive bump to help patientsIn the midst of the discussion around the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) move to reschedule marijuana, one area hasn’t truly been highlighted enough. It will make a huge difference for millions of ...Read more