


Operation Weapon-ectomy on

Published in Brain Teasers

Six words have had their weapons removed. The weapons have been placed into Group A. The remaining letters of each word have been placed into Group B. Your task is to reconstitute the words by merging each weapon with the proper set of letters. Other than merging the two groups together, there is no rearranging of the letters. Example: sand + pne = spanned (SpANneD).

Group A: bomb, gun, mace, rifle, saber, spear
Group B: ainale, ltto, niur, tiliz, toiat, urntual


bomb + ainale = abominable (aBOMinaBle)
gun + ltto = glutton (GlUttoN)
mace + niur = manicure (MAniCurE)
rifle + toiat = trifoliate (tRIFoLiatE)
saber + tiliz = stabilizer (StABilizER)
spear + urntual = supernatural (SuPErnAtuRal)

Today's brain teaser courtesy of





Scott Stantis John Cole Kirk Walters John Branch Joey Weatherford John Deering