


In 1947, Chuck Yeager became the first human to do what?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Land On The Moon
Break The Sound Barrier
Win An Oscar
Run A Six-Minute Mile

Who founded the Southern Poverty Law foundation?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Louis Farrakhan
Malcolm X
Morris Dees

What did Honus Wagner demand be removed from cigarette packs about 1910?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

His Name
His Signature
His Picture
His Number

Who designed the Mercury space capsule?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Maxime Faget
Carl Sagan
Werner Von Braun
Frank Drake

How is Prince Phillip related to the last Empress of Russia, Alexandra?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Grand Nephew
Fifth Cousin
Third Cousin

During which era did mammals rule?

Knowledge / History Trivia /


What was the name of the first operational nuclear-powered submarine in history?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

U.S.S. Potemkin
U.S.S. Seawolf
U.S.S. Nautilus
U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower

What did many medieval Christians believe about Jerusalem?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Jesus Was Born There
It Was A Fictional Place
The Pope Lived There
It Was The Center Of The Earth

Which two countries were involved in the Louisiana Purchase?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

U.S. And France
Mexico And Argentina
U.S. And Chile
France And Belgium

William Boeing was a pioneer in what field?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Aircraft Construction
Oil Refining
Telephone Manufacturing
Food Processing

Who wrote the 95 theses against the Catholic Church?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Jean Calvin
Martin Luther
John Huss
Pope Leo III

Which Swedish Prime Minister was assassinated in 1986?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Olof Palme
Ingvar Carlsson
Dag Hammarskjold
Raoul Wallenberg

What was the infamous Bloody Mary's occupation?

Knowledge / History Trivia /


Who satirized President George Bush in 1992 by saying "he was born with a silver foot in his mouth"?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan Of Texas
Governor Mario Cuomo Of New York
Governor Bill Clinton Of Arkansas
Governor Ann Richards Of Texas

Which U.S. president was in office at the start of the Great Depression on Black Tuesday?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Jefferson Davis
Herbert Hoover
Lyndon Johnson
Franklin D. Roosevelt



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