Health Advice



Denise P. Lett/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Hunt for sugar-free candy

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Elaine L., who reads this column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writes, “I am diabetic and also get a very dry mouth frequently. Sucking on a hard candy helps my mouth, but I really don't need the sugar. I have searched for sugar-free hard candies, but every one I have found contains sugar alcohols, which greatly upset my stomach. Are there ...Read more


On Nutrition: Dear Graduate

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Graduation celebrations abound this time of year. Even our 4-year-old granddaughter got into it. With a miniature square cap proudly balanced on her head, she excitedly waved at us the entire time she and her classmates were recognized for completing preschool.

Amid the flurry of high school announcements were two we received from our nephews ...Read more

Andrey Popov/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Do calories really count?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

A recent column about my husband and I trying to shed a few vacation pounds brought these responses:

“I read your article about counting calories after a trip to Texas. I can totally relate. In 2016, I started an Excel spread sheet and kept track of each calorie. I dropped from 275 to 231 (pounds)," said Red in York, Nebraska.

"Four ...Read more

Stephen Mcsweeny/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Food for horse camping

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Anne in St. Louis writes: "Hi Barbara, I read with great interest (in a previous column) that you were horse camping in Texas. I am a newbie horse camper! I'm still trying to figure out what is nutritious to bring that needs no refrigeration (aside from a cooler) and no way to heat it up/cook it. Do you have recipes for a portable snack (besides...Read more


On Nutrition: Weight loss gummies a sticky situation

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Corryne P. writes: “I am inquiring about the fat busting products such as keto gummies, GOLO release, Nutrisystem shakes and others. Do they really work? I know people who have tried them but when they stop, the weight returns. How do they work on the body?”

Another reader asks: “Could you please explain the craze going on with Apple ...Read more

George Tsartsianidis/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Counting calories

Health Advice / Nutrition /

My husband and I mysteriously arrived back from our month-long trip to Texas with extra baggage. And it seems to be stuck to our waists.

We both had the same excuses. We really didn’t eat that much … except for a few Lone Star beers. And between riding our horses and dancing to great bands, we got plenty of exercise. Even so, when we got ...Read more


On Nutrition: Questions about blood type diet and peanuts

Health Advice / Nutrition /

A college student in Illinois writes, “I’ve always been interested in nutrition and one of the things I see popping up all the time is something called the 'Blood Type Diet.' I know that losing weight has nothing to do with your blood type and you can lose weight with any diet. But there’s another part of this diet regarding lectins that I...Read more

David Burke/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Explore the National Agricultural Library

Health Advice / Nutrition /

As I waited with my cup of tea for a webinar to begin, I jotted down what I knew about our National Agricultural Library. It belongs to Americans. It is related to the science of agriculture. And it’s a storehouse of valuable information.

I had no idea what that all entails. The USDA National Agricultural Library is one of five national ...Read more

Richard Thomas/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Food fun

Health Advice / Nutrition /

If you’ve followed this column for a while, you know this is the week when I get to share jokes and groaners that may even be remotely related to food.

And as I can’t remember a funny story any longer than I have time to laugh, these have been gathered from various sources (with a few personal edits).


A sandwich walks into a bar. The...Read more


On Nutrition: Eggs-tra nutrition

Health Advice / Nutrition /

We’ve identified Easter with eggs for a very long time, according to historians.

Ever wonder why? Through the ages, eggs were gifted to others in the spring to celebrate the season of new growth. And if you’ve ever witnessed a baby chick emerging from its shell, you can see how eggs eventually became a symbol of new life celebrated by ...Read more

Alina Yudina/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Ways to prevent colorectal cancer

Health Advice / Nutrition /

We may joke about the prep involved for a colonoscopy (an exam for abnormal changes in the large intestine). But cancers of the colon or rectum are no laughing matter. In fact, when you combine the cancer death rates of men and women, colorectal cancer is now the second deadliest cancer in the United States, according to the American Cancer ...Read more


On Nutrition: A spoonful of sugar

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Our horses don’t adjust well to the water when we take them away from home. So I’ve experimented with some advice from seasoned horse travelers. Common guidance is to add something that will make the strange water taste more palatable.

Horses often refuse to drink when they are away from home, according to horse specialists at the ...Read more



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