My Pet World: A few pet tips for the upcoming July 4th weekend
Published in My Pet World
The 4th of July will soon be upon us, and if you have a noise-phobic dog or cat, it could be a long four days since the holiday is on a Tuesday this year. (People generally start to celebrate over the closest weekend.)
Cats afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks tend to hide under beds or in closets or could try to escape from the house. So, keep an eye on them.
Noise-phobic dogs, on the other hand, may go berserk. Their fear is palpable. They tremble, pant, and drool. They may destroy things. They may hurl themselves through a window or glass door in an attempt to escape the noise. They may dig out of the yard.
One of my noise-phobic dogs used to try to climb on the furniture, including bookshelves and dining room chairs. Then she would use the chairs to climb on the table. I could never leave her alone during storms or fireworks for fear she would somehow hurt herself in the process.
While most cities prohibit fireworks within the city limits, people still get them and set them off. So, if you have a noise-phobic dog, it’s important you learn how to manage their fear.
You may need to only add a few drops of Rescue Remedy, a flower essence known to help dogs with anxiety, to their water daily. You can add a few drops directly to their tongue if they have already been triggered by thunder or fireworks.
But most dogs need a combination of things to reduce their fears.
For starters, you might want to call your vet and talk to them about medication. Lots of people tell me they don’t want to give their dogs drugs, but in the most severe cases, it may be the only thing that works.
Next, consider getting an Anxiety Wrap® or Thundershirt® to wrap around your dog. These garments “hug” the dog which tends to calm canines much like a weighted blanket can calm anxious humans. If those dog garments are out of your budget, then there are online videos that show you how to use an Ace bandage to make a homemade dog wrap.
You can try to block out the sound of fireworks or thunder by playing white noise or by keeping the TV or music turned up. With both my noise-phobic dogs, I played action movies to mask the sounds.
When things were at their worst, I would sit in a walk-in closet with my dog. The hanging clothes helped mask some of the sounds.
Many animal shelters say the day after July 4th is the busiest day of the year for receiving lost pets. So, make sure your pet is tagged and microchipped with your contact information in case you get separated.
I would love to hear your tips for keeping your pets safe and distracted during a thunderstorm or fireworks display.
Dear Cathy,
For ten years or so, a pair of ducks have come to my front lawn daily in June. I put out bowls of water and Cheerios, which they eat. One year, when the Cheerios bowl was empty, they walked up my walkway and waited until I refilled it. I can't believe they are the same pair of ducks. We never see any ducklings. How long do ducks live, and do they remember my address from year to year?
— Marvin, Massapequa, New York
Dear Marvin,
Those ducks are likely the same pair since some duck species migrate and use "homing" navigation to return to the precise location or general location where they had a successful nesting the previous year. This ability is both innate and learned.
The earth’s magnetic field serves as sort of a built-in GPS that helps birds migrate. That’s the genetic part they tune into each year. The learned part is that they fly with other birds who have already made the journey as well as rely on visual landmarks and fixed celestial bodies, like the sun and stars, to navigate.
I am not sure why you haven't seen any babies, though. But they are coming back to where they know there is reliable water and a food source.
There are anywhere from 25 to 30 duck species in the U.S.; some migrate, and some do not. Depending on the species, wild ducks can live anywhere from five to 20 years.
Let’s hope they come visit you for another ten years, but please consider feeding them something other than Cheerios, which have sugar and preservatives. Consider feeding them corn, oats, rice, frozen peas, chopped lettuce, sliced grapes, or birdseed instead.
(Cathy M. Rosenthal is a longtime animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert who has more than 25 years in the animal welfare field. Send your pet questions, stories and tips to Please include your name, city, and state. You can follow her @cathymrosenthal.)
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