Is there anything good that comes from clouds?
Published in Billy Graham
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Wintertime is a depressing time for me. Gray skies and dark clouds don’t help the human spirit much and I can’t help that I was born and remain in a cold, dismal environment. It seems that I was just born with a dark cloud that follows me. I feel like one of the Israelite children roaming around in hopelessness. Is there anything good that comes from clouds? – D.S.
A: Some people live with a cloud hanging over their lives. Some may be in hospital beds; others are suffering discouragement and bereavement. Heavy clouds seem to hang over them.
Clouds will come. They are part of life. But by God’s grace, we need not be depressed by them. Just as clouds can protect us from the brightness of the sun, life’s clouds can reveal the glory of God, and from their lofty height God speaks to us. He spoke to the great caravan of Israelites on their journey through the desert, and the Bible says that He went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way (see Exodus 13:21).
The children of Israel knew that the presence of God was in the cloud, and they only moved when it moved. We can view our clouds the same way. Like the children of Israel, we are travelers through a world that’s not our home. For those who belong to Him, God is with us and wants to lead and guide us along the pathway of life.
Without the clouds, there would be no lavish sunsets, no rain, no light, and no beautiful, picturesque landscapes. When we look at clouds, we can remember the Scripture: “Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds” (Psalm 36:5, NKJV).
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)
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