


Today's Word "diadem"

Ornamental headband, crown, or the power symbolized by it on

Published in Vocabulary

diadem \DY-uh-dem\ (noun) - 1 : A crown. 2 : An ornamental headband worn (as by Eastern monarchs) as a badge of royalty. 3 : Regal power; sovereignty; empire; -- considered as symbolized by the crown.

(transitive verb) - To adorn with a diadem; to crown.

"From somewhere -- he had not been carrying it before -- he produced a diadem made of gold and wrapped with laurel leaves. He held the diadem aloft so that everyone in the crowd could see. He knelt before Caesar, then rose and held the crown above Caesar's head." -- Steven Saylor, 'Roma'


Diadem derives from Greek diadema, "a band," from diadein, "to bind around," from dia, "through, across" + dein, "to bind."


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