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Should Churches Have a Dress Code?

Danny Tyree on

Tyrades! by Danny Tyree

Where do you reside on the “holier than thou” versus “holeyer than thou” spectrum?

I make only passing reference to squabbles over “proper” church attire in my 2020 motivational book “Yes, Your Butt Still Belongs in Church” (still available in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon), but the subject is indeed divisive.

Between the judgmental churchgoers who second-guess the wardrobe choices of fellow worshippers and the slightly paranoid parishioners who assume they’re under a microscope, unease often permeates the fabric of church life.

Some church leaders do a lot of hemming and hawing about their expectations. (“Harumph, no, we don’t have an official list of specific prohibitions for you. Just like we don’t have an official, specific special corner of hell reserved for you, but…”)

Good taste and self-respect should reign supreme, but some traditionalists do take it to an extreme. Some of these people should spend more time clinging to the Old Rugged Cross instead of clinging to the 1958 Montgomery Ward catalog clothing section.


Yes, it’s easy to get caught up in memories when you constantly practice reciting lists such as the 7 Deadly Sins: “Pride, envy, gluttony, denim, flip-flops, spaghetti straps…”

On the other hand, some daredevils dress in a way that just invites panic attacks. When they’re within proximity of the baptistry, you can’t help but imagine them shouting, “Cannonball!”

Some offenders go the ragamuffin route, but others are more into ostentatious displays of wealth. (“Preacher says you can’t take it with you…so MY bling is getting a workout every Christmas and Easter! More money than God! More money than God! But less patience. Please look!”)

Perhaps church life would be more harmonious if Bible class teachers clarified principles better. (“No, it’s ‘an eye for an eye,’ not ‘a stink eye for a stink eye’!”)


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Copyright 2021 Danny Tyree, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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