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Do You Have A Favorite Heat Wave Story?

Danny Tyree on

Mr. H. assured us we could ignore her histrionics and proceed with the installation. Just as we were about to hoist the air conditioner into the window from the yard, she proclaimed from indoors, “I’m going to cut loose through this window with my shotgun!”

Dad and I looked at one another with matching “deer in the headlights” expressions. Our minds were racing to remember if we lived in a “stand your ground - even if you’d be better off sipping a glass of refreshing lemonade, old woman” state.

Then Mr. H. decided to pour gasoline on the fire by casually calling to Mrs. H. from the yard, “Ah’ll be expectin’ mah danner (dinner) in about an ire (hour)!”

Dad and I probably owed Stretch Armstrong ROYALTIES for the way we lifted the air conditioner into the window, leaning WAY out of buckshot range.

With immeasurable trepidation, we entered the house to do the final touches. By the time Dad had the appliance plugged in and putting forth its frosty goodness, the lady of the house was intrigued, delighted and treating the air conditioner like a best friend she hadn’t seen since grade school!

We skedaddled before the feuding couple could employ the “Are you as turned on as I am?” movie cliche.


Do you have your own anecdotes about summertime joys or hardships? I’d love to get your emails.

But consult your spouse! PLEASE consult your spouse!


Copyright 2020 Danny Tyree. Danny welcomes email responses at tyreetyrades@aol.com and visits to his Facebook fan page “Tyree’s Tyrades.” Danny’s weekly column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc. newspaper syndicate.

Copyright 2020 Danny Tyree, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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