From the Right



'High-spanics' sell out to Trump at White House reception

Ruben Navarrette Jr. on

SAN DIEGO -- Not widely known for their math skills, Hispanics have nonetheless mastered division.

And President Trump -- like President Obama before him -- is taking full advantage of the eagerness of Hispanics to divide themselves into factions.

Obama deported 3 million people, most of them Hispanic. Trump seems determined to make life for Hispanics in America so miserable that even some of those born in this country want to self-deport. Both presidents separated refugee families, put children in cages and dumped the U.S.-born children of deported immigrants into foster care where some are adopted by American families.

You would think that a tribe of 59 million people -- representing 18% of the U.S. population, with an annual buying power of $1.8 trillion -- would rise up in protest.

But we don't rise up. We divide up.

Some Hispanics are so busy trying to be successful that they don't think about the folks in our community who are just struggling to survive a darker reality -- the dropout, the addict, the working poor, the prison inmate.


They're so eager to be considered "winners" that they forget that no one wins unless everyone wins.

Eventually, the tendency of Hispanics to cannibalize one another became known to one of the most devious groups of all: politicians.

Eager to cover up their misdeeds, Obama and Trump both figured out that the climbers could be bought off with a few kind words and an invitation to the White House.

A sliver of Hispanics turned into High-spanics. They get a degree from a fancy university, and a little money in their pockets. And they think they're the chosen few. Driven by ego, and content to be the only brown face in a boardroom, the cream of the crop doesn't often think about the less fortunate.


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