From the Right



Declaring War On The Unvaxxed

Michael Reagan on

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

I’m sick and tired of wearing masks.

I’m sick and tired of vaccine mandates.

I’m sick and tired of hearing the dire warnings and broken promises of politicians and incompetent public health officials.

For almost two years they’ve ordered us around like children and told us what individual freedoms we must sacrifice if we are to ever win the war against COVID-19.

Now a new variant, omicron, has knocked us backwards again.


Though it’s not as lethal or as transmissible as the delta variant, the media have rebooted their panic machines and America is masking up and locking down once more.

Corporations are telling employees to work from home. Broadway plays are being closed. Holiday parties are being canceled.

Without a vaccination card, you already can’t do some things or eat inside some restaurants.

The almighty Dr. Fauci even says if you invite your brother to Christmas dinner, you should make him show you his vax card before you let him in the door.


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Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, All Rights Reserved. Credit:




Pedro X. Molina Joel Pett Kirk Walters Kevin Siers Michael Ramirez Lee Judge