From the Right



California Pizza, $10 a Slice?

Michael Reagan on

The situation is so outrageous you want to cry for the owners of these mom-and-pop restaurants and family businesses.

They’re the ones who are mad now, but pretty soon it’ll be their patrons who hit the roof when they see what their meals cost.

And then what’s going to happen? Nothing, probably.

People here don’t get it. They’ll reelect the same Democrat politicians who have been ruining life in California.

Gov. Newsom and his government cronies must think every restaurant is a posh French Laundry, the $250-a-plate place in Napa Valley where they like to dine and drink.

But there’s only one French Laundry in California and there are thousands of little Italian restaurants and pizza joints.

Already about 200,000 people and many businesses have decided they've suffered enough and have left the state.


I guarantee many thousands more will follow them east, but not the struggling owners of your corner pizza parlor.

Unlike rich guys like Elon Musk of Tesla, they're stuck here trying to make their livings while the clueless - and soulless - politicians in Sacramento continue to write bad laws that make it impossible.


Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, All Rights Reserved. Credit:




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