From the Right



America Mourns the Anniversary of 9/11. The Taliban Celebrate.

Michael Reagan on

But four of Afghanistan’s top leaders are terrorists we once held at Guantanamo.

The last 20 years have been one big American foreign policy blunder after another.

In Afghanistan we wasted lives and money on a tribal, backward, corrupt, ungovernable and historically unconquerable country that our leaders in Washington apparently thought we could turn into Switzerland.

Between them, Bush II and Obama and their third-string generals mismanaged the war for 16 years, kicking the Afghanistan war tin can down the road, and leaving it for first Trump and then Biden to figure out how to end it.

Biden, not surprisingly, did the worst possible job in the shortest time, screwing up the American evacuation of Afghanistan in every way imaginable.

President Biden deserves all the criticism he’s gotten – and much more. But the Afghanistan debacle is not entirely his fault.


It’s what happens when you don’t fight a war to win – or when you fight and win a war but then don’t know when it’s time to get out.

In case you haven’t noticed, with the exception of maybe Grenada, the last war America actually won was World War II.

We won it because FDR and his generals knew we had to totally crush Germany and Japan and we did it unconditionally.

If you’re going to take your country to war, if you’re going to risk your country’s precious blood and treasure, you better crush your enemy.


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Andy Marlette Jack Ohman Lee Judge John Branch Darrin Bell Mike Smith