From the Right



The High Price of Biden’s Blunder in Kabul

Michael Reagan on

Making Sense By Michael Reagan

So what else could President Biden possibly screw up?

Our commander in chief and his woke generals have blown the evacuation of Kabul so badly that even CNN and MSNBC have had to cover it.

For the last month, Biden assured us that when our military left Kabul it wasn’t going to be a humiliation like Saigon in 1975.

It sure wasn’t. It was much worse – and it’s far from over.

We’re just starting to witness the deadly costs of the Biden administration’s back-ass-wards evacuation of Afghanistan’s capital.


Safely evacuating tens of thousands of American citizens and Afghans who risked their lives to help us for 20 years from a city surrounded by the enemy is not rocket science, it’s just Military Science 101.

First, while you hold on to your soldiers and air power for protection, you get all the civilians out – women and children first.

Next you get your fancy military equipment out – untold billions worth of it – so, um, your enemy doesn’t get to use it.

Then, after a look around to make sure no one is left behind, you pull your soldiers out – and say goodbye to America’s longest war.


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Kirk Walters Ed Wexler Monte Wolverton Jack Ohman Jeff Koterba Clay Bennett