From the Right



Skipping the Oscars, Bailing on Biden

Michael Reagan on

It’s been a rough week for conservatives, Republicans and all Americans.

The torture started Sunday evening with the Academy Awards ceremony, which sounded like it was produced by the AOC/Stacey Abrams wing of the Democrat Party.

I say “sounded,” because I didn’t actually waste three hours of my life watching Hollywood millionaires patting themselves on their backs for their awesome talents and even more awesome woke politics.

As I’ve done in past years, I waited for the media highlight reels to find out who won what and which stars made the biggest fools of themselves.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one to skip the latest episode of “Oscars Death Spiral.”

Fewer than 10 million Americans watched - the fewest ever and a far cry from 43 million viewers in 2014.


One of the big deals this year was that Chloe Zhao, a Chinese-born filmmaker, won the Best Director award for “Nomadland.”

What made it a such big deal, at least according to those who are fixated on race, was that Zhao was the first female person of color to win for directing.

“Person of color”? Really? I didn’t realize Chinese people have been officially designated as persons of color.

The hardcore movie masochists who watched the Oscars to the bitter end were shocked when Chadwick Boseman didn’t win for Best Actor.


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Taylor Jones Kirk Walters Joel Pett Tim Campbell Al Goodwyn Mike Luckovich