From the Right



Trump will live on to haunt the Democratic party

Michael Reagan on

Democrats lost at least six seats in the House and legislative majorities in several states. But most important, they didn’t come close to taking over the Senate.

That wrecked the dangerous pipedreams of the party’s old and young socialists to get rid of the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court.

Ditto for Joe Biden’s promises to implement the Green New Deal, destroy our energy industry and punish the rich by jacking up taxes on incomes, capital gains and corporations.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump may be on his way out but his Republican Party will live on and haunt the Democrat Party.

In four years Trump has single-handedly enlarged, energized and diversified the old GOP, turning it into an energized America-first movement for millions of everyday citizens.

And though he was unfairly called a racist and a white supremacist by Democrats and the media every day for almost five years, he shocked the Democrats and impressed the liberal media this week by capturing a historic number of black, Latino and Jewish votes.


Based on early exit polls, Trump won 26 percent of non-white voters. For a Republican, that’s huge.

Instead of 8 percent he won 12 percent of the black vote ,’ 18 percent of black men and 8 percent of black women. More impressive, he won 32 percent of the Hispanic vote ,’ 36 percent of Hispanic men.

President Trump was on his way to doing what many of us in the Republican Party knew we needed to do decades ago.

During the Bush II years, when I spoke to a few hundred fellow Republicans during a breakfast meeting in Florida, I told them the party had been more diverse when my father was president.


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