From the Left



The 2021 Coup d’Etat Trivia Quiz!

Dick Polman on

Has this been a great year or what? Don’t answer.

Thanks to the work of the House’s Jan. 6 committee, and thanks to our still-free and independent press, we’ve been showered with fresh information about the insurrectionist attack on our democracy – the planning, execution, and aftermath.

Have you kept up with the dirty details? Here are 10 brain-teasers to test your knowledge. Afterwards, you can always shower off the stink. The answers are down at the bottom – but no peeking or Googling!

1. Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows urgently emailed a Justice Department official with breathtaking news about an evil conspiracy that he believed warranted investigation. What was it?

a) Biden supporters in the National Security Agency had used Chinese satellites to cancel Trump votes in five swing states.

b) Biden supporters in the CIA had used Italian satellites to remotely switch votes from Trump to Biden.


c) Biden supporters in the Defense Intelligence Agency had used Russian satellites to trick Venezuelan computers into altering the results in Georgia and Arizona.

d) Biden supporters in NASA had threatened to jam all transmissions from Japanese satellites unless that nation agreed to remotely throw Michigan and Pennsylvania to Biden.

2. The Jan. 6 committee has released a 51-page report that nails Meadows as a core player in the failed coup. But acting deputy attorney general Richard Donaghue concluded long ago that Meadows’ various election fraud theories were:

a) ”pathetic idiocy.”


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Phil Hands Joel Pett Joey Weatherford A.F. Branco Gary Varvel Taylor Jones