From the Left



Clarence Page: MAGA may not be fascist, but increasingly it rhymes

Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

The angry tweets were a big gift to her liberal-triggering ways, enabling her to play the victim card with extra self-righteousness. That’s showbiz.

I, too, love my God and my country but not the far-right political version that Greene professes as gospel. The Constitution protects her right to choose her religious or political beliefs, but not dictate them to the rest of us.

But how long will that last? I have to wonder about the future of America’s conservative movement when I see them beginning to flock to Hungary’s Viktor Orban.

His curtailing of press freedom, erosion of judicial independence and undermining of multiparty democracy have made him a tragic world-class model of democratic backsliding,

And that’s not to mention his recent attacks on race-mixing and immigration as “population replacement or inundation”

Yet, promoted by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, among other right-wing American luminaries, he’s slated to address next week’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas.


So is his buddy Trump, who has called Orban “a great leader, a great gentleman.”

Well, at least, we don’t have problems nearly as awful as Orban’s rise here in the good ol’ USA. Yet.

(E-mail Clarence Page at

©2022 Clarence Page. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.





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