From the Left



We can't hide from hate on campus

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

As Vanguard America sees it, a white person these days just can't catch a break.

"We hear it every day: 'Whiteness' is evil, and must be destroyed," says the group on its website. "Our religion, our traditions and our identity are dragged through the mud by the globalist establishment while millions of nonwhites flood our nation every year."

Geez, these guys make Donald Trump sound like Bernie Sanders.

"If current trends continue, White Americans will be a minority by 2044," their statement babbles on. "It's time to take a stand."

Right. Whatever happened to lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps?

Why do these so-called "alt-right" white nationalist groups (I think neo-Nazi or neo-Ku Klux Klan is more accurate) tirelessly complain about intolerant, hypersensitive "snowflake" liberals even as they clutch their pearls and whine at the slightest offense to white male privilege?


I have tried mightily to ignore this latest surge in white supremacist activism that happens to have coincided with the rise of President Trump, until our son came home with one of the flyers that American Vanguard has distributed on the University of Maryland campus in College Park in the past academic year.

He was visibly upset. One of his closest white friends was falling for the white-Christian-supremacist bulljive.

"It's like I don't know him anymore, Dad," he said.

I sympathized. Some people are going to disappoint you in life, I counseled. Maybe your friend is just going through a phase. Maybe he is insecure and confused about growing up. That's the sort of easy mark that these crackpot groups try to enlist.


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